The Depravity Of Human Beings Towards One Another

Will it ever stop

Dominic DiFrancesco
2 min readAug 26, 2021
Photo by Daniel Stuben. on Unsplash

I have to admit that there almost isn’t a day when I’m not surprised, and sometimes disturbed by people’s actions.

Our departure from Afghanistan is a prime example of the depravity of human beings towards one another. Numerous civilians and a dozen U.S. service members at last count were killed by suicide bombers outside Kabul airport.

What is their end game? We are leaving and taking those that helped us during our 20 years on the ground with us. Killing Afghan men, women, and children along with our soldiers is utterly despicable. With several more days left before our withdrawal deadline, the Taliban should have honored their commitment and kept the peace, while allowing us to airlift authorized persons from the country un-harassed. Clearly this did not happen.

According to early news reports the bombings were blamed on ISIS-K. The Taliban either couldn’t or didn’t want to stop these attacks and now we see the consequences. This action has to be seen as breaking the U.S.-Taliban withdrawal agreement.

As a nation, we cannot let these murders go unavenged. What was done was cowardly and shows how primitive their beliefs and actions are. Their answer to everything is to kill anyone who doesn’t agree with their ideology.



Dominic DiFrancesco

I’m a life-long writer & tech nerd. I love blogging, writing poetry, and short stories. My website