Dominic DiFrancesco
3 min readJul 6, 2021


Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

This is wonderful time we live in. Technology innovations make our lives easier, keep us connected to our friends and family no matter where they are, and make us more efficient. Or do they?

You need look no further than your smartphone and smartwatch. They are amazing devices, little computers in our pockets and on our wrists, something from the world of SciFi only a few decades ago.

Ouch! A slap brings me back to reality. When it comes to devices that zap productivity these in my opinion are the worst.

I couldn’t begin to count how many times I have stopped doing the work I was engrossed in just to see what new email that little smartphone chime had ushered in. How about that Facebook notification from your best friend? You surely don’t want to seem rude so you stop what you are doing to “Like” their post and reply. How long did it take for you to get back in the groove? My guess is either a good bit of time or you didn’t get back to it at all.

The list of interruptions is almost endless. News headlines, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Pinterest and instant messaging are all part of the problem. Social media apps are meant to hook you and then keep you hooked, that’s how they make money. Too many times I’ll check my email and then think, maybe I’ll just take a minute and check Facebook or jump on Twitter and before I know it I’ve blown 30 minutes when I could have — no I should…



Dominic DiFrancesco

I’m a life-long writer & tech nerd. I love blogging, writing poetry, and short stories. My website