I turned 60 some weeks back and unlike any previous birthday, this one affected me

You may think this is foolish, but it’s how I’m feeing right now

Dominic DiFrancesco
3 min readJul 17, 2024
Old man smiling
Photo by Mathias Konrath on Unsplash

I know it’s foolish, but turning another year older made me think, thinking about all the things I’ve done in my life, but also, most importantly, all the things I haven’t done. You know — regrets.

I’m not one for regretting things in general, but this birthday made me realize that time grows short. I’m more than halfway through my life and I have something that I’ve consistently said I wanted to do that I have been putting off — and that is writing a novel. This has become my ultimate expression of procrastinating.

Every year, and every NANOWRIMO that passes reminds me that I still haven’t written my novel. A couple of months back I started it, got about 4 chapters in, and then abandoned it. I liked the idea, but I didn’t like how I started the manuscript so into the trash heap it went. Well not really, I saved the draft — at least for now.

Now I have more ideas for novels floating around in my head, but can’t decide which one to write. I have a feeling that instead of trying to be a pantser, discovery writer, or whatever you’d like to call it, I probably am a person that needs to outline my writing. I’m going to give…



Dominic DiFrancesco

I’m a life-long writer & tech nerd. I love blogging, writing poetry, and short stories. My website https://domdifrancesco.com